Saturday, December 19, 2009


wow. one of my really close friends thats a boy got beat up lastnight for no reason and these boys want to fight him two on one. i dont get it why are guys so rude. i mean seriously leave him alonee. and then my boyfriend asked who i was on the phone with and i said him and now hes mad at me. in my opinion thats pretty immature. he would problly do the same thing. considering he talks to other girls all the timee. :( i dont know what to do..


  1. Boys will be boys. The best thing you can do for your friend is pray for him. There is nothing more that you can do for him. As for your boyfriend...he'll get over it. Just don't make that big of a deal about it and neither will he. Love you niece!

  2. You sound a LOT like my daughter who is now 17...pure of heart and morally intact. Great qualities.

    Be a good friend to your male friend who's having the issues. Sounds like he needs some real friends. As for your boyfriend...if he knows that you're only friends with the other boy, he shouldn't have an issue with you talking to him.

    At 13 (or any age for that matter), you want to watch out that you don't put yourself in a situation where jealosy could turn into abuse.

    We should all be able to freely have friends and not be verbally (or physically) punished for that.

    p.s. I'm over from your Aunts site!

  3. i know boyfriends are important, but you also need to be who you are. don't ever try to change who you are for a boy. you want a boy to like you for who you are and the only way they'll know who you are is if you make that clear to them and everyone else.

    it's obvious that you have a caring and compassionate heart. i hope that develops more and more as you grow older.

  4. Hello, getting an account so I comment occasionally, Love, G...

  5. Hi Skye, got the account. You hit the nail right on the head. He is immature. At your age, even with a boyfriend, talk to anyone you want, anytime you want. Like you said, he does. Don't make a big deal out of it and he'll forget it. If not, I'll give you more advice, ha!
    Love, G...
